Lars Reiffers - bildender Künstler - Malerei

  22, Driescher Str., 51588 Nümbrecht



CONTACT | Lars Reiffers visual artist

The works of German painter Lars Reiffers recall the 17th century Dutch still life genre, brilliant in colour and hyperreal in their exploration of the tactile qualities of natural and artificial surfaces. Reiffers works with a magnified perspective, as full blossoms fill the large-scale picture plane, suspended on a dark background. However, his work is driven by much more than a mere display of surfaces and their ephemerality. Rather than solely reporting on his subject matter, Reiffers is an arranger, bringing flora into compelling juxtaposition of texture, colour and luminosity. His approach is meditative, with nature idealised. Winner of the Lucas Cranach Special Award in 2001, Reiffers first studied painting in Aix-en-Provence before developing his technique at the Kunstakademie Münster. In 2015, Reiffers decided to borrow from genre painting. Once more adopting a contemporary approach to this tradition, his focus is museum spaces filled with old master paintings - all seen through the eyes of a modern day audience. The room, visitors and artworks are given equal importance in the composition, as Reiffers blends a balance of natural and artificial light. His spaces have included the Versailles Gallery of the Battlefields, a setting dating back from to 1837 which houses an impressive collection of thirty-three paintings, and the Louvre Museum. Each painting is almost photographic in its detail, and yet it is the layering of colour, plays of light and motion of the brush that allows Reiffers to compose as well as record.