Professional Spanish Voice Over Talent - Eva Folch

  Magnolienweg 20, 53177 Bonn



Spanish Voice Over Talent & Singer - Eva Folch

✅ TOP RATED - 100% job success ✅ SPANISH VOICE OVER Actress & SINGER. 🎙️ My voice is warm, versatile, professional, and reliable and I'll be perfect for your Project. Whether you need a Corporate read, Natural, Professional Upbeat, Conversational or Friendly...I'm the right Talent for your voice-over! I’m a native Spanish Voice Talent (European - Castilian), from Barcelona, Spain. I have more than 20 years of experience on stage, a bachelor's and Master's degree in MUSIC from the "Royal Conservatory of Music in Den Haag". Because of my music production and acting experience, I found in Voice Over the perfect combination for me, and I love it! I have the experience and the equipment to make great vocal recordings and I’ll be very happy to share my voice in your project.